Bright Christian School


Established in 1994, the preschool is a fruitful ministry of Bright Christian Church serving children who are 3 or 4 on or before August 1 of the current year. The preschool integrates Christian doctrine in all academics helping children make meaningful connections with Jesus Christ while meeting age-appropriate academic standards and developmental milestones. Lessons are intentionally exciting, dynamic, and meant to inspire curiosity which nurtures a love of learning. 

Current annual capacity is 128 students across 9 classes. 

3-Year Old's - meet 9am-11:30am, 2 days per week.

4-Year Old's - meet 9am-1pm with an option of either 2 or 3 days per week.

Please contact Andi Evans, Preschool Director, for tuition fees, questions, and to register a student.

By phone at (812) 637-3388, Ext. 108, or by email:

School Expansion

God has instilled a vision for expanding Christian education at Bright Christian Church. Leaders, professionals, and volunteers are working diligently to discern and to honor God's leading for Preschool through 12th grade. Kindergarten, with a licensed teacher Biblically integrating state academic standards, would be the first class to go live in a phased-in approach. School accreditation, curriculum, and staffing are just 3 of many major components already under development. Look for Bright Christian Kindergarten to be offered in the fall 2025 - spring 2026 school year. We welcome your prayers for this endeavor, so that God may be glorified, and students may grow in the Biblical truth of God's love and plan for them.

Our Core Values

Jesus is our Center. The Bible is our Guide. Faith is our Priority. Academic Excellence is our Commitment.

Serving Opportunities

There are paid and volunteer service opportunities within the ministry. For the safety of the children, background checks are required for some opportunities. In these instances, the ministry is happy to facilitate the background check and to cover the cost. Please contact either Andi Evans or Sheila Henderson by phone or email at (812) 637-3388, extension 108, or

Volunteer Service

The school hosts several functions such as a Christmas Program, Art Fair, Graduation, and End of Year Carnival. Would you be interested in serving with us in any of the following ways?

Decorations Set-Up Crew - assist in preparation of the facility

Greeter - meet and direct families

Annual cleaning of playground equipment

Reading aloud to students

Share a special talent, profession, or hobby with students, such as school bus experience, fire and rescue, police, dentistry, etc.

Become a member of the Administrative Team supporting the program with continuous improvement in curriculum, policies and procedures.

Paid Service Opportunities

Teachers - Bachelor Degree or pass the Praxis exam and CPR certification

Aide - High School diploma, CPR certification

Substitute - High School Diploma